A Tasmanian inventor, with an indigenous background and a spiritual bent, claims to  have developed a modified combustion engine that will clean up pollution and save the planet.

There is an almost manic drive by the world’s richest investors to find the Eldorado of technologies that will, as Bill Gates says, ‘reduce air pollution, help people escape poverty and avoid the worst aspects of climate change.’ Gates and fellow investors, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and many others, have a scatter-gun approach in the hope they will hit on the inventions that will save the planet.

One such development that has come to the fore is * LEAR---Low Energy Atomic Reconstruction---formally known as ‘Cold Fusion.’ A little-known Tasmanian Inventor, Malcom Bendall has been able to define and harness the forces that produce cyclones, thunderstorms and lightning. In the latter, when hot air collides with cold air, so-called ‘EVOs’*---Exotic Vacuum Occurrences---small atomic entities, are formed. They are captured to create energy.

Scientists have dumped the ‘Cold Fusion’ terminology. Unfairly, it gained a poor reputation over the last century when famous inventors, including Tesla, Einstein, Pons, Fleischmann and Shoulders attempted to snare it and didn’t quite achieve a commercial result beyond theory and experimentation. Through no fault of these great scientists, the method was downplayed by mainstream academics, or analysts with commercial motives for dismissing it. LEAR has always been seen as a threat to the multi-trillion-dollar energy industry, in particular the hydrocarbon corporations, but also the manufacturers of Hot Fission conventional nuclear reactors. They are threatened by clean, lower cost Cold Fusion.

However, under serious threat to his own safety, Malcolm Bendall, 62, has gone beyond all the efforts of rich-list ‘names’ to develop a prototype device that can be added to all combustion engines, in everything from cars and generators to aircraft carriers and spaceships. Bendall has built a device that has been successful on a 2005 Ford Futura, jet engines, generators and other devices. Under his direction from an undisclosed base, engineers and mechanics have been working on it in secret Australian locations over seven years.

The test results are ground-breaking in several ways. First, with cars, exhaust expels almost no carbon.

The EVO technology, which extracts energy from water, is a carbon-killer.

Second, just as astounding is that oxygen, yes oxygen, is expelled from the exhaust at low temperatures instead of hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide at high temperatures. In effect, each car or power-plant using the new technology becomes a small tree plantation.

I have driven the car and have seen the Test results.

They show that the car pumps out 18 per cent oxygen, which is about the atmospheric level for most Western cities. The 18 per cent oxygen in the exhaust is in stark contrast to the less than 1 per cent oxygen expelled from modern cars. 

Currently, cars compete with humans for oxygen.

A third factor, which takes the engine into another dimension, is that water used in the device is regenerated, restructured, recharged and then recycled. This technology is essential to NASA where astronauts have prolonged periods in space.

‘For NASA operations, Water and EVOs are continuously recirculated in the closed fuel system,’ Bendall explains. ‘However, it does not restructure itself as H20 [its original form] but as HOH and EVOs that are in a symbiotic loop from then on. Energy production is enhanced because less energy is required to separate water’s component parts after the primary water separation.’

Bendall further claims that his device is superior to that of the competition. He points to considerable energy inefficiencies in delivering electricity to electric cars:

‘The electric battery-driven car is in fact only 5 per cent energy efficient when considering the energy big picture,’ he says. ‘It produces huge amounts of pollution, both chemical and electromagnetic, that is far greater than petroleum-powered cars [and his EVO vehicles.]’

Bendall is even more scathing about the much-vaunted, so-called ‘Hydrogen Economy,’ including the car production roll-out that began recently:

‘Hydrogen production is currently 95 per cent sourced from the wasteful, excessive destruction of Petroleum Hydrocarbons, which produces Carbon Dioxide, and is energy-consuming.’

Ponder what Bendall’s invention means in the modern world, damaged badly by carbon pollution, and depressed by the cost of finite energy sources. A space-probe to a remote planet, for instance, would need only a specified amount of water as fuel. Bendall’s system converts matter to energy at the atomic, not chemical, level. (And it must not be confused with nuclear fission).

An EVO car on the same platform or grid as E-cars, and the promised Hydrogen-car, would be an evolution at least to revive the struggling planet. In fact, the new Malcolm Bendall technology on all combustion engines could well save it. Man-made pollution including chemical, thermal and electromagnetic, would be dramatically reduced worldwide.

He adds:

‘The chemicals [in pollutants] themselves are a major problem, as is their positive charge. This leads to a positively charged upper spectrum of the Earth’s atmosphere---the Ionosphere---which will be repelled away from the earth. This is very bad for the living planet and could well cause the extinction of all life on earth. In addition, all water on Earth could  boil off into space. Our planet will then be no different to Mars in atmospheric composition and appearance.’

This apocalyptic vision goes further than climate change prophesiers, whose warnings appear upbeat by comparison. Bendall explains further:

‘The Earth’s Ionosphere contains Ions---charged atoms and molecules. When man-made chemicals push it away, the earth’s atmosphere becomes vulnerable. For instance, it may be penetrated by harmful radiation. This is critical and needs fixing, immediately.’

In a face-to-face interview recently, Bendall, an eccentric and spiritual character, explained the inspiration for his breakthrough EVO system.

      ‘A decade ago I was swimming with dolphins at Laguna Beach in California. I noticed how they blew bubbles [in a double doughnut, or Toroidal shape]. This gave me the concept of how the [EVO] energy is generated and how water works as fuel. If you apply a vacuum to a body of water, bubbles are created from the dissolved gasses within the water itself. The micro-bubble collapse generates very low and very high temperatures, vacuums and pressures.

These factors cause first the water molecule, then the Hydrogen, to become unstable and unravel. This releases energy that grows the tiny EVO to 120 microns.

‘The Dolphins began doing it [blowing the bubbles near humans] all over the world at the same time,’ Bendall claims. ‘They are becoming extinct. They have already gone from China’s Yangtze River. Other Dolphins species are critically endangered.  Those remaining are into self-preservation mode. Ocean acidification and micro plastics have pushed many marine environments to the brink of collapse or beyond.’

Bendall, who has Indigenous Tasmanian forebears, including the famous Truganini from Bruny Island, sees himself as a Prophet of Nature. His spiritual background fits with ancient aborigine beliefs concerning the planet being a living entity that must be protected. He views the dolphin behavior as a communication to him to do something. Hence, in his mind, the pollution-ridding EVO inventions will not only save Dolphins, but also the ‘living’ planet, without which no human life would survive.

What happens after the EVOs have been generated and harnessed?

‘They are passed through a Thunderstorm Electron Generator (TEG) and then injected with Plasma (the unstable fourth state of matter), which supplies protons and electrons. Water, in its gas phase, is separated into its component parts of two parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen.’

How is Carbon killed off in this combustion device, and transformed into Oxygen, the major exhaust gas?

‘The EVOs attack the Hydrogen (Protium) atoms and strips them of protons and electrons. These are then sent spinning around the Carbon nucleus, transforming it into Oxygen.’

Related conventional, but different technology, has come to public attention with the NASA Perseverance rover on Mars where Carbon Dioxide was changed into breathable oxygen, of nearly 98 per cent purity. A modest five grams was produced, which is about ten minutes worth for an astronaut. Given that Mars’ atmosphere is 96 per cent CO2, this oxygen production will be essential for any future human settlement on the Red Planet.

American inventor Kenneth R. Shoulders (1927-2013) is a hero to Malcolm Bendall for validating the original Cold Fusion work of Martin Fleishmann and Stanley Pons. Shoulders is believed to have transmuted copper into gold. The best way to think of this is not as metres of copper pipe being magically changed into gold bullion. If these elements are considered in their atomized forms, as exemplified by Bendall’s Hydrogen into Oxygen, and the Mars experiment of CO2 into Oxygen, then Shoulder’s achievement is comprehensible.

Bendall at times himself clouds his own image by an unabashed claim of outside Divine guidance and his self-styled description as a Prophet of Nature. The many scientists I have interviewed about his inventions swear by his being an uber-genius, but often dismiss or ignore his ecclesiastical leanings that inspire him.

 In regard to his LEAR developments, Bendall quotes from the Sanskrit text, as Robert Oppenheimer did after the first Atom bomb implosion and resulting explosion. The latter said, ominously, he had become ‘the destroyer of worlds.’ Bendall’s quote from the Sanskrit is, ‘when (EVOs) are known, then everything knowable is known, and nothing remains unknown.’

His invention, he predicts, will include the reversal of acidification of the oceans and restoration of pre-industrial Oxygen and CO2 levels. It will also remove all petrochemical and chemical pollution (including micro plastics) within the earth’s lakes, waterways and oceans.

The object should be to examine Bendall’s creations, while not necessarily accepting, or rejecting his  utterances which come from a literal interpretation of ancient Biblical, Sanskrit and Buddhist scriptures.

His work is not for the close-minded.

Any quirky characteristics have been ignored by the US, Russia and Chinese Governments, that have all made strong efforts to gain Bendall’s services. A comparison is Werner Von Braun, the German rocket scientist, who was much sought after at the end of World War Two. The Americans beat the Russians for his services. At the moment, the US Navy and NASA seem to be the front-runners with Bendall. A main reason appears to be the applications of his inventions to the military and the space race, as much his ‘Carbon killing’ capacities, but he remains tight-lipped about this.

He has been hiding out, fearing for his life, and with good reason based on my research. Bendall has finished the patent on his LEAR invention---3,000 of pages of it, which includes 444 original diagrams--and it is lodged in an International Property bank.

Now that his personal protection is assured by going public, he is negotiating deals through the recently formed Strike Foundation, a not-for-profit entity, which holds the Intellectual Property rights. (The commercial arm is called STRIKE---for Strategic, Technology, Resources, Industry, Knowledge and Empowerment.)

One ‘true believer’ in Bendall’s creative genius has now gone public. That is Christopher Foster, the UK-based CEO of Alpha Prospects, an investment company with a specific focus on renewable energy.

‘Bendall’s brilliant inventions fit exactly where our investment aims sit in eliminating current emissions issues and in mitigating the climate crisis,’ Foster says.

There is many a slip between proto-type and production, and the world’s technological landscape has been littered for a century with creations that have been stopped or bought off. Inventors such as Fleischmann and Pons have been thwarted, others have been threatened, even eliminated. Bendall has been subject to everything from attempted bribery to attempted murder but has so far managed to avoid all efforts to stop his messianic drive. One instance occurred three decades ago when representatives of a major international oil and gas Corporation, one of the once seven now five sisters, flew to Tasmania to offer Bendall $25 million to stop his work.

‘I am happy to accept it,’ he told them, ‘if you can explain to God why I am giving up on the mission God set for me.’

The executives left unable to think of a way to appease Bendall’s request, and considering other means to prevent his progress.

*   *

*LEAR ---low energy atomic reconstruction is often referred to incorrectly as LENR, or Low Energy Nuclear Reaction. The process is Atomic, not Nuclear. LEAR by-products are not like those of nuclear fission, which are uncontainable,  radioactive, carcinogenic and toxic.

*The term EVO was used by Kenneth Shoulders. EVOs, also termed by Bendall as MSAART, for Molten Sea Arc Atomic Reconstruction Technology.

[Professor Roland Perry’s 36th book, THE SHAMAN, is published by Allen & Unwin. It covers the story of Malcolm Bendall (alias Al Haut), the Prophet of Nature. The book is currently available on Kindle. Malcolm Bendall’s connections, Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock,  have been on  a Joe Rogan podcast   on 11 November 2022. This will be followed by a one-hour session on the Fox Network’s Tucker Carlson Show.]



1: This device harnesses the FORCE that create lightning, when hot air strikes cold air.

2: This  FORCE extracts ENERGY from water. In the  scientific lab this is done by applying a vacuum to water. This creates bubbles from the dissolved gasses within the water itself. The bubble collapse creates very low and very high temperatures AT THE MICRO LEVEL.

3: The water molecule, then the Hydrogen in it, BECOMES UNSTABLE and UNRAVELS.  Energy is released as EVO---for EXOTIC VACUUM OCCURENCES

(Think of EVOs as small packets of energy…as small as 120 microns)

4: EVOs are then passed through a TEG---Thunderstorm Electron Generator.

5: The EVOs are next injected with PLASMA (the unstable fourth state of matter. The other three states are: Solid, liquid and gas.) The PLASMA supplies protons and electrons.

6: The EVOs then ATTACK the hydrogen [Protium] atoms and strips them of protons and electrons.


7: That is in part the scientific explanation. The KEY IS THE RESULTS.

The EVOs change everything CARBON into OXYGEN.

So, Hydrocarbons, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide and Nitrous Oxide are KILLED OFF.

Out of any exhaust from cars to planes and power plants comes lovely, life-preserving OXYGEN!!!!

It comes out into the atmosphere at about 18 per cent, which is about the level in major world cities. Outside cities you are looking at about 21 per cent Oxygen, 78 per cent Nitrogen and ONE per cent----

CO2, Neon and Hydrogen.

8:  Water used in the Bendall device, and EVOs are regenerated then recycled, regenerated, reconstructed, recharged, and then recycled.

In other words, you don’t loss a drop of the original water.

Imagine what that means for astronauts in space travel. They don’t need water or to re-fuel with anything!!!!


The Battle Of The Generals
